Baked Cheesecake #A


500 gm Cream Cheese
Caster Sugar 1 ½ Cups
¼ cup Cornflour

8 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla
375 ml cream (whipped)

200 gm Biscuit crumbs
200 gm Butter (melted)
2 Eggs (beaten)


     Prepare the case by combining the biscuit crumbs, butter and eggs and mold it into a 12 inch spring form.
     In a machine, beat the cheese, sugar, cornflour and vanilla then beat in the eggs 1 at a time.
     Fold in the cream and bake in the biscuit case at 200 ° C for approx 1 ½ hours or Until the sides are cooked.


     If the cake too cool or cold Becomes a hot damp tea-towel wrapped around the steel cans case assists in removal without destroying the cake.
    Allow to cool before removing from the spring form.

    add decorations on the cake to taste