Cake Recipe - Pie Dates

Pie Ingredients:

• 50 grams sugar, puree

• 250 gr Flour
1 whole Egg Yolk
125 gr Margarine

Cake Ingredients:

• 60 grams Flour
Milk Powder 15 gr
80 g Sugar
• 75 gr Butter Shake
• 8 egg yolks


Butter Cream ready
Dates, Belah two

How to Make:

Cake: Beat egg dankuning granulated sugar until fluffy, put the flour and milk powder, stir well. Enter and cream the butter and stir well.
Skin: Beat sugar and margarine until soft, put the egg yolks and beat well. After that add the flour and stir well
Enter the pie dough in the mold beroles margarine, pin prick bottom with fork
Pour cake batter over the pie shell, bake in 170C oven until cooked.
Add butetr cream, paste and dates,
according to the taste ornamental. Serve.